How i can rotate an object in one axis?

Hey guys.

I don t get to rotate an object about a single axis, so this points to another object.
I have a 2D application with an arrow in the middle of the screen and a ball up in the left side, i want the arrow to follow the ball as it continues moving. The ball moves in X and Y and the arrow should rotate only in Z. Anyone knows how to fix that?

thanks and sorry for my bad english!!

is this helpful?
put this script to arrow

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Arrow : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform ball;//set from inspector
    public float speed = 3f;
    void Update(){
       //rotate to look at the ball
       //Maybe you dont need this
       transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0,-90,0),Space.Self);//correcting the original rotation
       //move towards the ball
       if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position,ball.position)>0.1f){//move if distance from ball is greater than 0.1f
         transform.Translate(new Vector3(speed* Time.deltaTime,0,0) );