That wouldn’t be a good idea, since sprite atlases don’t work with Resources.Load. In general you should avoid Resources.Load anyway since it will probably be removed eventually. You should typically use the inspector, since that way assets aren’t hard-coded, where you can move them, rename them, etc. and the code will still just work with no changes.
I must be dumb, my apologies, how do we simply access sprites at runtime in code and what is the command for (without using Resources.Load()) actually storing an image reference
I under stand the code where you tell us to declare a sprite array, but whats the actually image data stored or populated, I’m having a hard time finding simple commands to follow. If we are not supposed to load images from the assets in code, how do we reference the file images at all. I tried reading the Texture2D scripting API but I cant understand what
// Load a .jpg or .png file by adding .bytes extensions to the file
// and dragging it on the imageAsset variable.
public TextAsset imageAsset;
public void Start() {
// Create a texture. Texture size does not matter, since
// LoadImage will replace with with incoming image size.
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(2, 2);
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = tex;
really means, I cant get “Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(2, 2);”, Texture2D(2, 2)??