How it feels using Unity (Unity chan Edition)

Unity chan: “Faster Ferdi kun! I want to hit them with my megaphone!!”

Ferdi: “But Unity chan, we are not an anti-tank weapon.”

Unity chan: “Ufufufu… Oh ye of little faith, we have our… trump card!”

Ferdi: “Huh?!? Are we going to use… that???”

Unity chan: “Hm? What do you mean? I was talking about the Asset Store! Supply drop!!!”

Ferdi: “You just killed what little foreshadowing we built up in the last two panels…”

Unity chan: “Never mind that! Charge!!!”

Ferdi: sigh “Unity chan is scary when she’s on her (bugfix) period…”

I was thinking of what to put in our company’s job ads, and it gave me this idea about those recruitment posters back in World War 2 and I was reminded of this:

I then proceeded to caricaturize my office mates as anime war soldiers. The image far above’s me. I guess the idea’s they’re fighting against bugs, because, you know, programming bugs.

Weeb much? XD

Not much Asians in this forum I guess

As far as i know adults that like anime in Japan are viewed the same way some one in west would look at a grown man really liking Cartoon Network.
And… hmm… guess i should have said, grow up much? XD
I know it’s prejudiced and we should be more tolerant of other peoples preferences, but you can’t blame people that view adults that really like cartoons as childish.
Our brains are conditioned to associate and make connections, that’s just how it is, adult that has same preferences that are mostly exclusive to or perceived to be exclusive to children/teens are gonna be viewed as childish and therefore “less” of an adult.

You mean… sort of like adults who really like video games?

No problem, I just realized there’s not much Asians in this forum.

I was not even sure of what you were trying to say, but I want to say that there was no ill intent meant.

I personally found this hilarious.

Unfortunately, yea… Most of that image stems from the arcade days and fact that early consoles/games were marketed/targeted at kids.
It’s your job and my job to change that.

@AnomalusUndrdog I kinda wen’t off topic(didn’t get much sleep so im unsure how much sense im making), anyways you were implying that anime was “asian thing” right?
And yea, most of the forum population is North American and European.
Basically what my post was about is if we wanna be perceived as serious/professional in general than we should avoid using memes, anime/cartoons and similar stuff.
PS: that picture is nice, is that IS-4 or IS3 tank in there? XD

I like it. I think it’s nice having cross-culture.

Understood, I won’t post more of it (here, in these forums, I mean) if you feel that way.

I take it people here find the Unity chan thing ridiculous?

Lots of weeabo up in here.

Cute though :smile:

Well, i at least think it’s a bit ridiculous, but than again this is kinda-off-topic part of forum and unity forums were never “that” serious to begin with so don’t let me stop you :), m’kay.

I get what you mean, but I wouldn’t want to be posting stuff just to be laughed at, that would be depressing, and a waste of people’s time.

I mean, I’m not trying to prove anything. If people don’t get the humor, it’s ok, I won’t push it. No hard feelings about it.

People can check out my Twitter anyway, that’s where I post my personal stuff.

Meanwhile, Skylanders rakes in over $2 billion in sales.

Lighten up a little. Its a bit of fun.

Never trust a man whom, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, does not try to fit it over his head.

HAH! I’ve done that.

Never heard of those, there are a lot of westerners that watch anime though.

I never really understood what it is about anime that is so popular. I have adult friends who love it - I can’t understand why, but I’d imagine they’d say the same about some of my interests. I might not get the humor, but I’m sure there are plenty who would.

Unless the moderators object, I don’t see any reason why you can’t post whatever you want (Unity related of course :)) - people who don’t like it will just move on.
It certainly lightens the mood a little anyway - I don’t know if it’s just me, but the forum has been feeling pretty serious/negative lately.