How link external dll with callback function

I am very new user of unity3d.
I have one question about linking external DLL.

I was programming DLL and I need to call callback function from unity. (for standalone application)
I have no idea where begin with unity.

May be can you show me some simple code source ?

My Dll was writed and compiled with delphi7. I can sure call function from delphi,realbasic and other programming platform.

(sorry for my very bad english)


This is by far no simple topic.

If you put in nonmanaged DLLs ie Plugins (requires Unity Pro), you must work with System.InteropServices to manage your access to the unmanaged code

You can search the web for C# + using unmanaged DLLs through InteropServices (marshal) for further information.

This is not related to Unity actually, but a general .NET topic.

Also check here for a summary if you haven’t already:
