How long will it take for Unity's payout money to come to my regional bank ???

On 23’rd April I’ve got an email,that Unity accepted my payout request and end of the month(April) they payout my accumulated earnings. My automated payout date was also 29’th April 2020. It’s my first time to get paid from Unity Ads.

So I’ve a question that,How long will it take for Unity’s payout money to come to my regional bank ???

Note : I’m from Bangladesh.

hi @akib81055 , same issue, my first payout date was 29 may but i have not receive any payment. after how many days you received your payment?

Hi, @akib81055 and @yasirsyed08 , Are you get your payout?
My payout date is 27 November, but I have not received my payment. A status in Transaction History is showing Complete. I want to know how long you receive your payment.

Update: I received my payment in 30 November.

Hi. For which period you earned this 119$? In March? And notification with transaction arrived on April 23?

Hello bro I am facing Same problem this is my First payment from Unity
30 December 2021 Should be payout Automatic In my Account But Today Date is 1 January 2022 I did not get Received Payment From Unity

In Unity Dashboard showing competed Your payment

but I not find payment Help Me

Wow this is scary so Unity doesn’t pay sellers and hand them out a fake invoice without anything in the bank? yikes! any updates?