does anyone know how widespread 5 Unity respect Unity 4?
In general, the transition from Unity 4 to Unity 5 was massive? Or are few developers who have passed toU5?
Pretty much everyone who can has gone to 5. The only ones still on 4.x are those in the middle of big projects.
Yep, I noticed immediately the poll tendency.
Thanks a lot.
Unity version usage [Updates Now in Publisher Forum] - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions Still a minority right now, but it hasn’t been out very long.
wow, thanks!
Unity 5 is awesome! Thanks for not holding anything back for us hobbiests and students who can’t afford Unity Pro.
Fairly big project but decided to make the jump anyways. I do not use physics at all except for a raycast here and there and OnTriggerEnter/Exit so nothing broke. I had to rewrite a few instructions in 2-3 shaders. Overall it took less than 3 hours to convert.
It’s worth absolutely every effort, especially as someone that comes from Free the profiler and realtime reflections are a god sent.
Still using Unity 4. My day projects are heavily in progress (might or might not switch before final release), and for my solo projects, I don’t like the Personal Edition text on Android.
(PS - My situation is unique. I own multiple pro licenses: Pro 5 by day, and Pro 5 + iOS Pro 5, by night.)
Or poor people like me who cannot afford flash. But it’s still fun to use pro unity 4 features for free.