how many tags is too many

Hi I have a room which is a 3d website, there are many objects 28 at the last count, that the user can click on to take them to normal websites or many different web documents.
is it ok to have that many tags or is there another way I should be doing this?
They all trigger different web pages in a similar way to this code.

function OnMouseUp(){
	if (collider.gameObject.tag == "MFG_Display_Stand" && guiOff == false){
		Application.OpenURL ("");}}

Thanks in advance


Most people would probably just use the object’s name for something like that. Tags are more for quickly grouping classes of objects. Like, ummm, G, PG, Must be 18 (in a regular game, might be Enemy, Loot, DestructableWall.)

But, then for anything complicated, can put a script on each object. For example have a string URL variable, so other designers can click on the object and enter the web page in the Inspector (and they can send it to you as a prefab.) No need to open up the code to add/change objects.

Its hard to know without seeing more of your project, but it sounds to me like you have a room, and in this room you have many different objects that the user can click on (via an fps camera + “shooting” it/etc) to open pages.

For this kind of project, you would probably be better off having a “WebpageOpener” script that you attach to each individual object, that opens a webpage you link in the inspector, rather than making a “god object” that holds all of them. Your code will be much shorter and easier to maintain.

If you have an object that can open any one of many pages, you will probably want to look into making an array of some kind to hold them all, rather than adding individual fields for each.