OK. Bit of a random question. But it seems like every second project I’ve done I end up having to code a colour picker. Because inevitably the client or your boss will say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if the user was able to change the colour of this car/horse/frog/house/word/banana?” Also, just as inevitably, none of the plugin colour-pickers quite do the right job or can’t be used because the game must be “unique”. Sometimes it felt like my entire career has just been coding a succession of colour pickers.
So depending on the language you might code one in Flash, in Unity, in HTML, in C++, in whatever.
So anyway, how many colour pickers have you coded in your lifetime? The person whose done the most wins a smiley face:
Yeah I tend to them them pretty frequently! Or make a editor extension to change colours instead of using unity’s built in colour picker so I can get complimentary colours etc, and I use HEX instead of RGB so artists understand it
I programmed my own color texture so I could use a color picker but then I decided not to. Lol. I will post the results when I get on my pc.
With my color generator, you can choose your file size and how many colors you want. It also saves it as a Targa file. I think I might post the source for people to study if they like
If you build something once, why do it again? Reuse your code! Build just one color picker and reuse it in all your projects; don’t build a new one for every new project.
That’s not always possible. For example if one project your using Windows API, another project unity API, a third project flash API, a fifth Linux API and a sixth IOS API. Then your next project may be written in HTML5 so you have to do it all over again. The latest is Windows 8 Apps which doesn’t come with a colour picker API so someone is going to have to write one!
Also, a colour picker for a paint program may not be suitable for a car game to customise your car. Where maybe you would represent it by 3D paint cans. Or a minecraft game where your “colour picker” may just be choosing different coloured carpet cubes.
Anyway whenever I play a game and it has “customise your character” facilities I always feel a bit sorry for the guy who had to program another colour picker.