How many "times limitation" of ADs can be played for 1 device in how many hours?

Hello, Guys,

I had imported the UnityAds and it seems worked fine until I can not acquire AD any more.

I guess the device had reached its limitation to prevent too frequently offering AD to the same user in particular period of time.

Can anybody tell me, how many times of ADs could be played in how long a period of time?

If a user had watched too many ADs, how long can she/he get next AD after the UnityAds had stopped providing AD caused of the “times limitation”?


Because I had done some function like this below, I am afraid of if the users will be “Blocked” forever or not when she/he was keeping watching video time and time again?

Hello, Guys,

It seems that nobody want to answer.

According my testing result, it’s probably about 12 hours later, the same user could get at least an AD again.

Hope this info. could help out pals who have the same question. :slight_smile:

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