How much do you make on Asset Store?

Can you please tell me and everyone how much you earn in the asset store.
I know it might be bit to personal but it would very helpful to others.

You already made a thread about this.

In that thread, you were directed to a thread that was already on the front page.



I know I have but that thread is intended to focus on asset store business model. This one how ever focuses on the earining and experience of others.

The thread is literally called “How much asset store publishers earn ?” and there are numerous examples of how much people on the asset store earn. Maybe you should try reading the thread.

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You can ask and read and ask and read… and research some more and read. In the end it only has so much value, right?

Get the answer firsthand for what you can make. Create a (quality) asset or better yet 5 to 6 of them and put the on the store. Then you will know exactly how much you will make. :slight_smile:


Sorry yeah that I didn’t know about that thread -.- I’m new in unity cummunity and there is nothing that says you can’t post thread with the same topics …thanks

The search function of the site is a semi-good first step in seeing if similar questions have been asked in the past.