How much hundreds of planes will impact game performance ?


I’m making a little system for a tactical-rpg project I’m working on.

Basically, I’m taking the size of any Gameobjects that I want to be the map and it creates automatically an array of Tiles at the right position.

The problem comes when I want to display these tiles. My first idea was to simply display a texture at the position of the tile but I can’t find a tool provided by Unity for this.

My second guess is to instantiate a plane and apply the texture on this one. But I don’t know if having hundreds of planes on my scene will impact the performance?

Thank you in advance for your answers!

Your second approach, applying a texture to a plane, is correct. Having several hundred planes isn’t an issue, as most 3D models (eg. of buildings) use many of them.

I’ve noticed though, that the player colliding with complicated objects (with many small mesh colliders) tend to be taxing on performance. In cases like these, I would either remove those objects, or encapsulate the whole group within a box collider.

It also depends on the platform you are building for.

I’m pretty new to Unity, so someone might have a better answer to your question.