How much server instances I can have per fleet?

Hi, please, I want know the real cost of my online game, but i don’t understand how much instances I can have in a single fleet, and another question is, the usage report cost is per fleet hour? o per server allocation hour? if my fleet have 5 servers then the cost is by each one server, or by the complete fleet even though only one server is online?

I’m not sure of the answer to max servers in a fleet, but to answer your question about costs, consider that each “server” you can see in the “servers” tab is not actually a different VM. Depending on how you set your requirements for CPU and RAM usage in your build configuration, a single VM is split into multiple servers. For example if your requirements are 500mhz and 500mb of RAM, and the VM is 3000mhz and 3gb RAM, then you have room to fit 6 “servers” onto a single VM. You are charged for 1 VM in that case, while the VM is available. You can tell which servers are on the same VM because they will all have the same IP address.

Then the cost usage in unity hosting is per VM? And how I can know the mhz and gb per VM in unity hosting please?

I don’t think so they are charge for a VM.
I think, VM is just used for to manage your builds.
Here is the pricing example page

Actually, I have just started on the Multiplay and I’m surfing on the forum to get understand better the multiplayer infrastructure.