How Set a initial position in Virtual Camera?


I am trying to use the Virtual Camera from CineMachine.

I set to Framing Transposer and POV.
That settings is cool because I can show a specific animation in a specific position. And also we can move the camera like an orbital. And the best, will return to the setted position. So we can animated something and we have a “free camera” to orbitate if we wish and after it the camera will back to initial position, so we have sure that animation will be in the center of camera always.

So for product visualization is very cool.

But one problem that I cant solve: How to set that initial position?

Just changing the Screen XY or Tracked offset doesnt work because I cant rotate the camera. This happens because I enabled the Recentering that is very important to the initial idea.

The VM always try to back to the zero value in Horizontal and Vertical axis.

Oribal Transposer and HardLookAt in Aim works too but doesnt allow us also orbite in Y axis. We only can rotate in horizontal, not in vertical.

Is possible to do something?

Thank you!

Inherit Position need to be enable!