How set navmesh agent facing rotation prior to next move?

I have my navmesh agent move from point A to point B, once I arrive a point B I do some other logic to make my agent (who ends facing in the last direction of travel). I then face a target by setting the game object’s rotation to turn and face a target as it is stationary. Now as soon as I tell the agent to nav to a new location, it snaps back to the last facing direction at the end of the navigation.

My desire is that the navigation gets set up to use the current facing location on any new move, I can’t seem to figure out how to tell it to do this.

I’m not thrilled about the interface for this but I’ve figure out something that will work here.

If I say durring my destination setup…

navAgent.updatePosition = true;
navAgent.updateRotation = true;

then once I reach my destination set…

navAgent.updatePosition = false;
navAgent.updateRotation = false;

This now allows my rotation and position sets out side of my navigation state to stick and the NavMeshAgent will accept that as the current value.

Thanks. I tried the same, then remove the “true” statements. Seems you only need the “false”