How should I build my game for an online use?

Hi !
I have never ever done a game that is supposed to be played online.
It’s a mobile card game, where one player open a room and the others can join it (think it like a poker game).
And my question is : should I start building my game as I always did, without thinking of the online part ?
Or is there a specific way to create a game for an online purpose ?
Cause I am afraid that my game is working perfectly localy, where I can play all players turn from my app, but then when it comes to integrate a multiplayer function, I need to rethink the whole project and redo it.
Thank you for your help and your answers <3

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I believe @CodeSmile can provide a qualified answer here.

Start with multiplayer in mind.
It affects your game in more ways than you likely expect and if you think about it early on, you can avoid patterns that are hard to refactor later on.

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Thank you for your answers !
But what would exactly be “create with multiplayer in mind”?
Should I just build 1 player view as my game, instead of 6 (when 6 is the max. of players) ? And then manage later the communication between each game client that represent 1 player ? (I am sorry I don’t know if my words make sense)
Thank you so much !

I had the same questions and got them answered very well!


OH, awesome, I have the exact same issue, I’m going to read your topic !
Thank you A LOT ! :slight_smile: