I’m adding a background to a scene and I have a photo I’d like to use for the background. The image is 800 pixels by 600 pixels and I can easily crop that if need be. To get the image into Unity, I created a plane and applied the image as a texture to the plane. I see some stretching and resolution issues and I’m wondering the best way to make sure the plane is the exact size as the image.
From what I understand, Unity scale is in units and there is no standard such as 1 unit = 1 meter or anything like that. It seems that a unit should represent what ever scale I’d like it to represent. Is there any settings where I decide how many pixels there should be per unit ?
Also, I’ve read the information about textures needing to be a power of two which makes me wonder about how exactly I can use an image where in my case, the width is 75 percent the length of the height. I guess this would be a case where I use the “Non Power of 2” option in the advanced texture type in the import settings?
As you can probably tell, I’m quite new to this and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!