How solve the 2d collider penetration problem ?

as you see in the video i have problem of circle collider penetrate in the 2d box collider i manipulate 2d physic setting but no diffrence [|60675]

the other problem is bounciness on platform

and other thing that i want to add about bounciness on moving platform is that even i set bounciness of physic material to 0 for both colider the stone bounces on platform

How are you moving the platform?

The Unity’s physics isn’t the best option for platform games, did you tryied out using the Raycast system?

Here is a quite simple tutorial that made me easily understand how raycast can be useful in platform games: [Unity] Creating a 2D Platformer (E06. moving platform basics) - YouTube (this is the part 6, that talk about moving platforms, but you will really want to watch it from beggining)

As an another option, you can make a script for the platform, so every time platform collides with the ball it makes the ball a child of the platform.

Something like that:

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if (other.tag == "ball")
        other.transform.parent = transform;

void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
    if (other.tag == "ball")
        other.transform.parent = null;