Hello, good afternoon:
I’d like to inquire about testing my application on REAL Vision Pro device.
While the simulator works adequately, I want to test it on an actual REAL Vision Pro DEVICE.
here on my country no sell vision pro device yet, how can i test , because my application NEEDS 2 HANDS PINCH to work, and dont know how on SIMULATOR use 2 hands.
nose como hacer dos pinchasos con los dedos en el simulador xcode.
Any suggestions?
Are there any website or person offering this service, and charge for that ?
Thanks in advance; I appreciate any insights.
@DanMillerU3D I’m in the similar situation- I need to detect when 2 hands are pinching at the same time- could you please tell us if that’s something possible to achieve with the current version of Poly Spatial?
I haven’t found any samples that would use this functionality in starter template.
Thank you!
should I just use:
EnhancedSpatialPointerSupport.GetPointerState(activeTouches[1]); ?
There are some apple developer labs outside of the US and ways to contact and work with apple more info here. Unfortunately this isn’t something we can help with.
If you hold the option key and click you will get two inputs visualized and active in the simulator. More info here
Yeah that should work, note the second is only possible / valid when the first is also active.
thanks thansk thanks !!!