How TextMesh Pro works with localization tools?

Any examples?

Hey we dont have any examples of this yet. The plan is to do a deeper integration with TMP in the future. For now it should be similiar to the UI Text example. Just hook up the UnityEvents.

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This is the same example code as the documentation modified to work with TMPro Dropdown.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings;
using TMPro;

public class LocaleDropdown : MonoBehaviour
    public TMP_Dropdown dropdown;

    IEnumerator Start()
        // Wait for the localization system to initialize, loading Locales, preloading etc.
        yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
        // Generate list of available Locales
        var options = new List<TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>();
        int selected = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales.Count; ++i)
            var locale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[i];
            if (LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale == locale)
                selected = i;
            options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(;
        dropdown.options = options;

        dropdown.value = selected;

    static void LocaleSelected(int index)
        LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[index];
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