I’m an experienced programmer, but new to unity. I’m trying to understand how an object created from a texture is scaled from very small (almost zero size) to much larger than the texture pixel dimensions.
What I expected to see was the default scale components for the texture object set to 1.0. Then to scale the texture larger, increase the scale values above 1.0 (e.g.2.0 = double size) and to scale the texture smaller, decrease the values towards 0.0 (the limit where the texture would disappear).
What I see is that the default scale components are 0.0. I can scale the object larger by increasing this number (1.0 seems to double the size), but I have found no way to scale it smaller. I’ve tried negative scale values, but these produce strange scalings that do not preserve shape.
I think I’m missing something here. Can anyone explain how I should be doing this.