as you can see above the two screenshots; every time I pan the scene view around those areas these weird glowing lights flicker. if I disable the camera they don’t flicker anymore. I’m using URP. Those mesh were made with ProBuilder.
You likely are rendering too many lights one one object.
Cutting up huge meshes can be helpful, or moving to Forward+ to enable you to add more realtime additional lights
I’m sorry I don’t understand it?. do you mean that I should switch to forward+ because I’m using too many lights. I did not bake the lights. This problem only occurs after I enable the camera.
Just give it a go and find out. It’s literally one dropdown.
And for the flickering not happening without the camera, maybe file a bug report for that
it didn’t work the stupid flickering is still happening.
Then share all Graphics and urp settings
I will just share you my project. it’s not even important so
file-size: 150MB
The problem is in the bathroom
I’m not going to download a random project
can I send a video instead
Posting a link to a video would have been my first suggestion, honestly. We really can’t see what is happening at all from a couple of static images.