How to access an instantiated game object using c# ?

hey there , im trying to instantiate a Cylinder which is already in my assets as a prefab , then after its instantiated , i want to scale the clone , so i tried using an script attached on my Main Camera , that part of the script for instantiating is like this :

   Public Transform Circle;
public void instantiator (float radius , Vector3 Pos)
   GameObject IC = GameObject.Instantiate(Circle,Pos,transform.Rotation) as GameObject;

 if(IC != null)

 IC.transform.localScale = new Vector3(radius , radius , 0f);


 Debug.Log("there is nothing instantiated");

… and when i instantiate it , it acts like there is nothing in the IC so it shows the message on console “there is nothing instantiated” … is there a way to solve it , or , is there any way to access the instantiated GameObject , i searched alot about it but none of those offered ways worked for me :frowning:

Try this one:

Transform IC = GameObject.Instantiate(Circle,Pos,transform.Rotation) as Transform;

After that you can acess gameObject as IC.gameObject