I’m using the XRI Toolkit with OpenXR for the Meta Quest 2 and need to boost the framerate to 90Hz and adjust the CPU levels to a higher value. However, I’m struggling to find access to the OVRPlugin. Do I need to install the Meta Core SDK just to use this functionality? Also, since I’m not using the Oculus XR plugin, is it possible to use both the Meta Core SDK and Unity XRI in the same project?
Meta Core SDK will fight you every step of the way for OpenXR, however you can install this the “Unity OpenXR Meta” package to get access to the underlying OpenXR extension the framerate uses. Try this extension and method:
I’m working on a separate plugin that will completely replace the Meta Core SDK over time with it’s pure OpenXR extensions (including framerate), it’s early but you could check it out here: https://github.com/mikeskydev/unity-openxr-extensions
Unity XRI is also platform agnostic, so it shouldn’t matter what you use it with.
What he said. Also check out this thread where this very topic was discussed:
Thanks for pointing me in right direction. I was expecting Unity XRI could provide me some interface so I don’t have to import the whole Meta Core SDK. It seems Unity OpenXR Meta can do the job for now.
Really nice job with the extension. I’m looking forward to it.