How to access SceneView.lastActiveSceneView in MonoBehaviour script?

I need to set position of my Player at center screen of the Editor Viewport camera when my game starts.

I know i should use SceneView.lastActiveSceneView to get current viewport camera but the problem is i can’t access Editor codes when im in MonoBehaviour script in Runtime mode (when im testing the game) so it returns me Null error and it can’t find SceneView.

So i need access Editor codes in Runtime. I don’t know is it possible or not but i think almost there is a way for every issue.

UnityEditor.SceneView sceneView = UnityEditor.SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;

if (sceneView != null)
    // Get the center of the SceneView camera
    Vector3 cameraCenter =;

    // Set the player position to the camera center
    transform.position = cameraCenter;