How to access the values of SerializedProperty.hasMultipleValue ?

I know I can use SerializedProperty.hasMultipleValue to determine whether I’m in multi-object editing mode. However, I see no way of iterating over each of the values or even simply getting / setting them.

(How) can I do it?

For iterating over each property and getting their values you can do something like this (theoretically)

Object[] allTargetObjects = myProperty.serializedObject.targetObjects;
foreach(var targetObject in allTargetObjects)
    SerializedObject iteratedObject = new SerializedObject(targetObject);
    SerializedProperty iteratedProperty = iteratedObject.FindProperty(myProperty.propertyPath);
    float iteratedValue = iteratedProperty.floatValue;//get any value

Awesome! I thought of trying that but didn’t know you could call a constructor on SerializedObject.

I turned it into an extension method, if anybody’s interested:

public static IEnumerable<SerializedProperty> Multiple(this SerializedProperty property)
    if (property.hasMultipleDifferentValues)
        return property.serializedObject.targetObjects.Select(o => new SerializedObject(o).FindProperty(property.propertyPath));
        return new[] { property };

Now you can call:

foreach (SerializedProperty iteratedProperty in myProperty.Multiple())
       iteratedProperty.floatValue = ...

The extension method requires System.Linq and will automatically handle non-multiple-values properties, so it’s safe to use in any context.