How to access variables inside a loop in C#?

I used to program games in flash (AS3), and there I was used to do it this way.

var btn0, btn1, btn2: Object;

for(var i:uint = 0; i< 3; i++)


this[“btn”+i].visible = true;


There’s a way to do it in Unity with C#?

Yes, just put your button references in an array, iterate it, and use “SetActive” to turn them on or off. But, remember that you can only reactivate (show) the buttons if you still have them referenced. Inactive objects cannot be found using “Find” or “GetComponent”.

I think this would do what you’re looking for:

GameObject btn0, btn1, btn2;
GameObject [] buttons = {btn0,btn1,btn2};
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) {
  GameObject myBtn = buttons*;*

Upon further thought, you might be talking about reflection.
If so then its more like this:

using System.Reflection;
Type objectType = this.GetType (); // can be any object
// for object fields
FieldInfo theField = objectType.GetField (“someField”);
Debug.Log (theField.GetValue ());
// for object methods
MethodInfo theMethod = objectType.GetMethod (“someMethod”);
theMethod.Invoke (this); // can add parameters as well

more info here:
System.Reflection Namespace | Microsoft Learn
Type.GetField Method (System) | Microsoft Learn