For a study project my team and I were trying to stream the video of our thermal camera (FLIR Lepton 3.5) via the PureThermal 2 Smart I/O into a unity RawImage inside our HoloLens 2 HeadsUpDisplay UWP application. But each time we start the application with the feature we get the following error:
Operation failed with error 0x80028019:
Old format or invalid type library.
The camera is connected to the HoloLens 2`s USB-C port and the code we use to access the camera stream is as follows:
GameObject headsUpDisplay = GameObject.Find("/HeadsUpDisplay");
var streamContainer = headsUpDisplay.AddComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
WebCamTexture thermalCamTexture = new WebCamTexture();
thermalCamTexture.deviceName = devices[2].name; // Pure Thermal 2
// Add texture and play
streamContainer.texture = thermalCamTexture;
Any ideas how to get it done?