How to activate a GameObject from another scene?

Hi there,

I have 3 scenes. One “Menu”, “Play” and “CharacterChange” scene. In my CharacterChange scene you can slect a character with a button. I want to make the button enable that charcter in my “play” scene, but i’m stuck on how to do so.

“Play” scene:

“CharacterChange” (or slection) scene:

Here is code on the “select button”:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class CharacterInfoDisplay : MonoBehaviour
	public GameObject Cuber_go;
	public GameObject Cylin_go;
	public GameObject Spherrow_go;
	public GameObject Select;

	public CharacterInfo Cuber;
	public CharacterInfo Cylin;
	public CharacterInfo Spherrow;

	public Text nameText;
	public Text specialAbilityText;
	public Text descriptionText;

	public int pageCounter = 0;

	public bool CuberSelect;
	public bool CylinSelect;
	public bool SpherrowSelect;

	public static Movement MovementScript;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start()


	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update()

	public void Left_2()
		if (pageCounter == 0)
			pageCounter = 2;

	public void Right_2()
		if (pageCounter == 2)
			pageCounter = 0;


	public void Selected()  *** // This is where the character is selected ***
		if (pageCounter == 0)
			CuberSelect = true;
			CylinSelect = false;
			SpherrowSelect = false;
		if (pageCounter == 1)
			CuberSelect = false;
			CylinSelect = true;
			SpherrowSelect = false;
		if (pageCounter == 2)
			CuberSelect = false;
			CylinSelect = false;
			SpherrowSelect = true;

Use Object.DontDestroyOnLoad in CharacterInfoDisplay class to keep it after scene changed. You can access character variables when scene loaded.

How did you put the character selection in the variable box???