how to activate/de-activate different scripts on a gameobject?

Hi all,

I am trying to learn unity and some scripting on the way. I have a ship with a shoot script on it. What I can’t figure out is how to (when I collide with a powerup) to turn off the shoot script and activate say a laser script (shoot script with different bullet prefab)

I am currently doing this by having 2 seperate prefabs each with the different shoot scripts on that instantiate on a “mount” when the power up is collided with (this seems to work but not all the time).

It would be easier if i could have the 2 scripts on my ship and when i hit the power up it turns the basic gun script off and turns the laser script on. Can anyone help me with this please?

var HOLDER : GameObject; //Holds BOTH scripts

  function //Whatever () {

      HOLDER.GetComponent(//Name Of Script 1).Enabled = False or True;

      HOLDER.GetComponent(//Name Of Second Script).Enabled = False or True;


You have to tweak it to your specifications. Sorry:)_

I would use a different method. I would attach the multiple scripts to the object. Each script would have the same function calls, in this case “fire”.

From the parent script:

function Update () {
// do your logic....


And then each script can check to see if its being called. Like so:

function fire(type: String)
	Debug.Log("Fire weapon laser");

The handy thing about do this rather than turning the script off is that if the weapon has a cooldown timer then the script can carry on doing its thing.