How to add a 2D game object (with children) to cavans?

I’ve trying to create a mini map, and right now I’ve got a game object, which contains lots of sprites each representing a tile. The parent GO though is on the scene, and moves when the camera moves, how can I add that parent GO to the canvas so it stays fixed?


Here’s a screen shot of the hierarchy42525-screen-shot-2015-03-13-at-232723.png.

You can make a new camera just for your minimap:

  1. Make a new layer “Minimap”
  2. Set your game object’s layer (and its children) to “Minimap”
  3. Create a new camera
  4. Set the camera’s culling mask to “Minimap” (It will now only render “Minimap” layer)
  5. Parent your game object to the camera so it is fixed on the screen
  6. Position your game object properly with respect to your new camera