How to add a component from a Custom Editor object field to a Prefab ?

I saw in this post how to make a Prefab in a CustomEditor script.
My question is how do I add a component that I get in a ObjectField to a Prefab ?

   var Script = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(Script, typeof(Object), true); //get the script
   var tempGO = new GameObject();

    // add a script to it
    var tempComponent = tempGO.AddComponent(Script) // <--- I'm looking for something like this

    // give the script the values from input (note: values on the script needs to be public)
    tempComponent.someValue = someInputValue;
    tempComponent.someValue2 = someInputValue2;

    // create an empty prefab in project
    var emptyPrefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(full path to save including prefab name);
    // replace the gameobject with the empty prefab (save)
    PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(tempGO, emptyPrefab);

Solved :
var tempComponent = tempGO.AddComponent(Script.GetType())

if you want to set properties of a base class:
var tempComponent = (BaseClass) tempGO.AddComponent(Script.GetType())