Well, this will sound like a noobie question, but I do not know how to add a texture to unity. I created a material, and when selecting the texture, none of them was to my liking, so I wanted to create and import my own texture to unity. How may I do that?
Using Photoshop or any editing software. Simply create a square image, and save it in the folder you keep your assets in. You can download images from the internet for textures too. They are just images.
Another thing to keep in mind though is the import settings. When you click on the image in the project tab, make sure it’s set to texture. If you have a png image and want a transparent texture, check off Alpha is transparency.
Setting the image to repeat will make the texture repeat around the object, while clamp will make it one image no matter what. If your image seems blurry or off, try setting the filter mode to point.
You can just drag an image into the assets folder of your Unity project.