How to add a Timer when an object is picked up? So when I pick up lets say an axe then it will respawn 10 min later in the same location. I have attached code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class LootManager : MonoBehaviour
public List loot = new List ();
public List spawnPoints = new List ();

void Start () 

	for(int i = 0; i <loot.Count; i++)
			if(Random.value * 100 < loot*.spawnChance)*
  •   		{*

_ Instantiate(loot*.lootObject, spawnPoints[Random.Range(0,spawnPoints.Count)].transform.position,Quaternion. identity);_
Debug.Log( + "has spawn in the location: " + loot.lootObject.transform.position);
Debug.Log("spawn chance is: " + loot.spawnChance+ “$”);

* [System.Serializable]*
* public class Loot*
* {*
* public GameObject lootObject;*
* public float spawnChance;*
* }*

@Salmjak Thank you for the fast reply. Sorry, but can you tell me where that code should go on the above code I attached. I am still learning a lot of Unity functions thanks.