How to add an inventory to the Player

Hey there, I’m trying to create an inventory for my player. I created this short javascript code and didn’t seem to work. Any ideas? I’ve tried fixing the errors but only leading to more. Please help!

public class Inventory

    List items = new List();
    InventoryItem selectedItem;
    Player owner;
    int currentlySelected = 0;
    public void Init(Player newPlayer)
         newPlayer = owner;
    public bool AddItem(InventoryItem newItem)
         if(owner.strength >= GetTotalMass() + newItem.mass)
              return true;
         } else {
             return false;
    public void DropItem(InventoryItem newItem)
    public float GetTotalMass()
         float mass = 0;
         foreach(InventoryItem it in items)
             mass += it.mass;
         return mass;
    public InventoryItem DrawItemsGrid(int columns)
          Texture2D[] textures = GetTextures();
          currentlySelected = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(currentlySelected, textures, columns);
          return items[currentlySelected];
    public Texture2D[] GetTextures()
         List textures = new List();
         foreach(InventoryItem it in items)
         return textures.ToArray();

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    public float strength;
    public Inventory invent;
    public Hat myHat;
    public Sword mySword;
    public Sword myOtherSword;
    void Start()
    public void TipHat()
        //play a hat-tipping animation!
    public void Attack()
        // swing a sword
    void OnGUI()
         InventoryItem currentItem = invent.DrawItemsGrid(2);
         if(GUILayout.Button("Activate " + currentItem.itemName))
         if(GUILayout.Button("Drop " + currentItem.itemName))

public abstract class InventoryItem
	public string itemName;
	public string dragInfo;
    public float mass;
    public Texture2D icon;
    public abstract void Activate(Player player);
    public void DrawGUIInfo(){ GUILayout.Label(dragInfo); }

public class Hat : InventoryItem
    void Activate(Player player)

public class Sword : InventoryItem
    void Activate(Player player)

[Edit by Berenger : formatting. Please next time select your code and hit the 101 010 button.]

At first look, your gui stuff isn’t in an area and you’re using guilayout. The rest seems ok.

First of all, code you provided isn’t javascript, but C#. In that case you must put that code in C# files, not javascript files. Thats probably 90-100% of your errors.

Also dont mix your scripts, decide to use either only javascript or only C#. Mixing javascript and C# is problematic, it can be done, but require experiance you lack of.

Another issue - avoid putting multiple classes in one single file.

Also what i’ve noticed - it seems you didnt instantiate Inventory class in your Player component. Do that:

void Start() {
     invent = new Inventory();

Hard to say whats also wrong, please apply my advices and ping us whats the results, then if it will still be wrong, we could move one.