How to add animation clip to animator controller ?

Hi all.

I saw some video tutorials about mecanim. in these tutorials they all use single animation clip file[such as “run.fbx”] to show how to create state in animator controller window [by just drag animation clip file from project window to animator controller window].
I understand that. but lots of character fbx file have inserted animations, I mean one single character fbx file with muti animation clips inside the file, such as idle, walk, run…how to add these animations to animator controller window? you can not just drag one of them from inspecter window to animator controller window.
that’s the first question, I also want to know how to pick animation clip from such character fbx file and save it as a standalone single animation clip file.

I know now.

ctrl+D on the clip file

Add Animation Clip to Animator Controller. I have a button (Unity UI) and I put the transition to Animation. Then a button appears to create a default controller and animator. It creates a controller with 4 Animation Clips inside of the controller (in Project View).