Hi, i was wondering how to add a field in custom inspector to show a variable that stores a reference to a collider. for instance if I wanted to show a float variable I would write
EditorGUILayout.FloatField("field name", the variable I want to show);
so what I’m wondering is how to do something like this with a collider field instead of float.
here’s a picture:

You can use EditorGUILayout.ObjectField for this.
For example, this code:
my_collider = (Collider)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("My collider!", my_collider, typeof(Collider), true);
produces this in the inspector:

Hope this helps!
sorry i did not know i was posting duplicates it was telling my that my question can’t be posted because it has errors. so sorry i did not know it had been posting it over and over again