How to add color animations to spritemanager2 sprites

I am trying to add an color animation (alpha) to a spritemanager 2 packed sprite via unity animations. While there is the color attribute in the editor, this is not used during runtime (it is excluded). Right now I added a separate behavior that calls SetColor() on the sprite.

Is there a more elegant solution that lets me edit the curves in the animation editor, and have a preview and works during runtime ?

I don’t know but it’s add the your GameObject with Sprite Script.

using UnityEngine;

class FW_SM2ColorAni : MonoBehaviour
    Sprite m_Sprite;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
	    m_Sprite = gameObject.GetComponent<Sprite>();

    void Update()
	    m_Sprite.SetColor(new Color(m_Sprite.color.r, m_Sprite.color.g, m_Sprite.color.b, m_Sprite.color.a));