how to add different script in a same prefab?

I have already made a enemy prefab and it’s all goes well.But here comes the question,this enemy has different moving pattern.

may be it will go straightly to me in a line
may be it will make a S curve
may be it will make a U turn…etcetc

I guess there are some smart way’ to solve it rather than to make more and more same prefab with those different script above.

I have tried to declare a array of component variable and want to use GameObject.AddComponent for each instantiated enemy prefab,but it doesn’t work.

so,how can I effectively add different script in a same prefab?

Here is my wrong code

public Component[] enemyMove;       
public Component[] enemyShoot;      

    void Spawn(int waveCount)

which the problem is right here in <>.

I suggest making a different prefab for each type of enemy you have.