I know I can add this line to add force in the direction of travel to an object with a rigidbody:
rigidbody.AddForce(rigidbody.velocity.normalized * Time.deltaTime * forceAmount);
However, I need help in finding a way to add force for only X or -X when the object is travelling in either X direction. I.e. if the object is travelling along -X, force should be applied to -X and vice versa for X.
Does anyone know how to manage that? Many thanks!
I’m not sure what are you asking, because its like you know the answer but dont see it…
if want add force in X axis, just:
rb.Addforce(new Vector3(1,0,0);
Now, you can multiply/divide as you want, but this force will have only X component…
Whats the question ?
Yes, close, but this is what I’m after:
If the object is travelling in -X direction I want to Addforce -5 on the X axis.
If the object is travelling in X direction, I want to Addforce 5 on the X axis.
I’m building a pong-style game and the main problem I have is with the ball getting stuck endlessly bouncing back and forth on the Y-axix betweet my upper and lower border walls (player paddles are left and right).
Hence I need something that shoves the ball either left or right (i.e. X or -X) when the ball hits something on the playfield (wall, paddle or other object).