How do I programmatically add a listener for the OnRectTransformDimensionsChange event to a UI object that has a RectTransform component? Something like:
public class ExampleResizeHandler : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject myGameObject;
private void MyResizeHandler()
Debug.Log("Called MyResizeHandler");
void Start()
myGameObject = GameObject.Find("MyGameObject");
RectTransform rectTransfrom = myGameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
// The next line is not valid syntax: what should it be?
Annoyingly the MonoBehavior docs (even for the latest 2020.2 version) does not contain this information. I reported it missing because I believe it belongs there.
In other news, this is not an event the way a Button.onClick event is, at least as far as I can tell from actually using it in Unity2020.5f1, and it works fine for me.
It is actually just a simple old MonoBehavior method, just like OnEnable() or what-have-you. Just make a function named properly:
CAUTION: it does seem to be called multiple times when poking and dragging the RectTransform from the inspector, so try not to do too much work in that callback.
That’s great thanks and works well for UI objects created at design time. Ideally I want to create some UI objects at runtime. Something like:
public class RectTransformEvents : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
GameObject runtimePanel = new GameObject("RuntimePanel");
// Other initialisation of the new RuntimePanel...
// How to get this invoked when RuntimePanel is resized?
void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
How do I listen for OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() on the new RuntimePanel object? Thanks.
Great. I understand now. For the benefit of others here’s a minimum snip solution. First create a script that handles the RectTransform changes. I’ve called it “HandleRectTransformResize”.
public class HandleRectTransformResize : MonoBehaviour
// Called when dimensions of a RectTransform change
void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
Next create a script that creates new GameObjects at runtime. Attach the previous script to any objects that need to handle changes to the RectTransform dimensions.
public class AddGameObject : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Creat a new GameObject at runtime
GameObject newGameObject = new GameObject("Demo Game Object");
// Add a RectTransform component to the new game object
// Attach the HandleRectTransformResize script to the new game object.
Thanks for the support and hope that helps others.