How to add Shot Sounds to a Gun

I want that when my gun shots sound i already got the sound but i cant make it i tried many different times i googled often was often on some forums but still its not working maybe you can help me :frowning: Here my Gun Script:

//the bullet we are shooting must have a rigidbody 
var Bullet : Transform;
//the speed the bullet is shot at
var Speed = 16000;
//where the bullet spawns (most likely the tip of the gun)
var spawnPoint : Transform;
//if we shoot like a machinegun or not
var RapidFire = false;
//if we shoot every click or not
var SingleFire = true;
//this is only used if rapid fire is set to true
private var shooting = false;
//RateOfFire private
var Counter = Time.deltaTime;
var RateOfFire = 0.250000;

function FixedUpdate () 

//if single fire is set to true
//we are using the left mouse button to shoot
//we create the bullet
var shot =Instantiate(Bullet, spawnPoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); 
//we add the speed 
shot.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * Speed); } }
if(RapidFire ==true){
if(shooting==true){ Counter += Time.deltaTime;
var shotRapid =Instantiate(Bullet, spawnPoint.transform.position, 
//we add the speed 
shotRapid.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * Speed); 
Counter=0; } } } }

You need to create an AudioClip variable and assign the sound asset to the AudioClip either through script or through the inspector. Then when you Instantiate the bullet, you call Play() on the AudioClip variable. More information can be found here:

Also make sure that your camera has and AudioSource attached to it.

Ed’s advice is good. This might help get you started:

#pragma strict

var Bullet : Transform;
var Speed = 16000;
var SpawnPoint : Transform;
var RapidFire = true;
var ChamberTime = 0.05;
var SingleShotAudio : AudioSource;
var RapidFireSound : AudioSource;

private var shooting = false;
private var chambering = false;
function Update(){
	if ( Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || (RapidFire && Input.GetButton("Fire1")) ) { shooting = true; }

function FixedUpdate ()  { HandleShooting(); }

function HandleShooting() {
	if ( !shooting ) {
		if ( RapidFireSound.isPlaying ) { RapidFireSound.Stop(); }

	if ( chambering ) { return; }

	var shot = Instantiate( Bullet, SpawnPoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity ); 
	shot.rigidbody.AddForce( transform.forward * Speed );
	Destroy(shot, 2f);

	if ( !RapidFire ) { SingleShotAudio.Play(); }
	else if( !RapidFireSound.isPlaying ) { RapidFireSound.Play(); }

	shooting = false;
	chambering = true;
	Invoke ( "doneChamberBullet", ChamberTime );

function doneChamberBullet() { chambering = false; }