How To Add Textures To GameObjects?

Im New To Unity and i was wondering how to add textures to gameobjects. anyone got any answers? :slight_smile:

If you are new to unity, you can go through Unity’s documentation and get some experience with samples provided by Unity.

Anyways, there are many ways to apply a textured material to your GameObject. You can create a material and select required shader and drag-n-drop your imported texture onto it.
Then you can apply that material to your gameobject.

You can also apply a texture to a game object’s material runtime:

public Texture2D myTexture; // Assuming that it has been linked to a texture imported into your project by drag-n-dropping that texture onto this property using Inspector window

void Start () {
  gameObject.renderer.material.mainTexture = myTexture;

Check this documentation from unity.

Thankyou Ill Try Now :slight_smile: