How to add values that are in a Text array?

How can i do it?

Im trying

public void AddValues()
        for(int i = 0; i < valuesText.Length; i ++)
            int.TryParse(valuesText*.text, out totalResult);*

int total = totalResult;
totalText.text = total.ToString();

Ok so you are pretty much doing it right except you are assigning instead of adding.

//declare total outside the loop so the state persist over loops
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < valuesText.Length; i ++)
     //check to see if the parse was successfully to prevent runtime exceptions 
     if(int.TryParse(valuesText*.text, out totalResult))*

//add instead of asigning
total += totalResult;
//once finished, convert the sum to a string and assign it.
totalText.text = total.ToString();