How to adjust the road?

Hi, I want the bigger truck you have seen can let cross the bridge but I cant adjust navmesh agent like I wanted way Can you help me?

To adjust the road or path that a vehicle or character follows in a game, you will need to use a navigation mesh or navmesh. A navmesh is a mathematical representation of the walkable areas in a game world, and it is used by the navmesh agent to determine the path that a character or vehicle should follow.

To adjust the navmesh in your game, you can follow these steps:

In the Unity editor, select the “Navigation” tab in the top menu, and then select “Navigation Static” to enable navmesh generation for your scene.

In the scene view, use the “Navigation Static” tool to mark the areas that should be walkable or traversable by the vehicle or character. You can do this by clicking and dragging to create a box or polygon around the area, or by using the “Paint” tool to paint the navmesh onto the surface of the ground.

Once you have marked the walkable areas, you can use the “Navigation” tab to generate the navmesh for your scene. This will create a mesh that represents the walkable areas, and the navmesh agent will use this mesh to determine the path that the vehicle or character should follow.

To adjust the path that the vehicle or character follows, you can use the “Navigation” tab to edit the navmesh. For example, you can use the “Cut” or “Split” tools to create new paths or openings in the navmesh, or you can use the “Paint” tool to adjust the height or slope of the navmesh.

Once you have adjusted the navmesh to your liking, you can use the “Navigation” tab to bake the navmesh, which will apply the changes and make the navmesh available for use by the navmesh agent.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.