I have been tasked with making a playable environment within a game engine for a class project. I am new to Unity, although I have been watching tutorials and using it for a few weeks. I have several years of experience working with Maya, and I have a basic understanding of the workflow between Maya and Unity. I already have environment objects completed with animation and have assembled the scene in Unity. The ambient objects that only require a portion of the object to rotate or translate work fine, such as a fan or a flag. However, when it comes to objects that move within the environment, I am not sure on the best approach to animation. I have a basic understanding of Mechanim, but I am not certain how this applies to animals or organic environment objects.
I have a crow with a basic wing flapping animation that I want to circle overhead in a loop. Would it be best to animate the translation and rotation using Unity’s tools and leave the Maya animation for the wing flapping?
In addition, I have an animated tumbleweed with a rotation and translation that I want to roll from one corner of the terrain to the other. However, the Maya animation only covers a short distance and looping the animation returns the object to its original location in 3d space to start again. Would I need to extend the Maya animation to cover the length of the level or is there a more efficient approach?
What is the best approach to animating environmental objects within Unity?