How to animate topdown 2d water tiles?

I am developing a topdown game using 128x128 tiles. How can I go about animating the water tiles so that they move but still stay uniform with each other?

Should I create an animation for each tile? I’m not sure how I could create that and still keep each tile in sync and uniform.

Water surface should be animated as separate spriteRenderer on top of tile background.
That means that you need to create a sprite for your watered tile. 5-6 images.
Whatever’s on the back stays there.
On another layer you add your dinamically rendered water tile. Say you have 5-images on the sprite. So you add these tiles, index them and change indices each frame or whatever flow speed you want. So a row of tilea with 0 1 2 3 4 shall become 1 2 3 4 0 next frame, then 2 3 4 0 1 etc