How to appeal your case: When Ad delivery is disabled or Organization has been blocked

Thank you for using the Unity Ads SDK.

Unity Ads actively monitors every publisher and advertiser to ensure that users are not violating our policies. Our system will ban any users involved in fraudulent behavior.

If your ad delivery is disabled or your organization has been blocked, please fill out this webform as completely as possible in order to appeal your case.

One of our specialists will investigate your case and reply as soon as possible. Before submitting your appeal, please double-check that you didn’t miss any of the required attachments. Also, please make sure you didn’t violate any of the points outlined in our Invalid Activity Policy.

After opening the ticket, please wait for the Fraud team’s response. Checking fraudulent activity usually takes a week or more after the ticket has been opened.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Kind Regards,
Unity Ads Support


Hello, I’d love some attention on the various issues with this process that we’ve experienced.

First of all, a technical issue on the Unity Support Forums side: We are unable to upload the .APK file. perhaps this is the reason we’ve got no response?

Please look into fixing the Unity Support Forums (is it ZenDesk of some sort…?) because the upload works for small files, but this process demands and entire .APK upload and ours is 100MB and seems to stall at 90% or something…

We tried our best to upload whatever we can… a link to APK download, 10-part .ZIP files (upload for those works, but don’t think anyone’s bothered to look at it)

Secondly, the issue with TestMode=True -vs- TestMode=False is ridiculous, IMHO. If the TestMode being False is considered malicious if there’s no deployed App ID / Advertiser ID in the code…then why the hell does it show ads in the app ?! (In our case, Apple TestFlight users / Google Play Store Alpha Testers)

Third, it’s been 8 months so far and no response. I think AI is filtering out or request or something. I’ve tried everything short of upgrading to Unity PRO to see if that magically makes our support request visible.


  1. can’t follow instructions in this post because the support form is broken
  2. common pitfall in UnityAds SDK
  3. no response in nearly a year from Unity

p.s. why does getting banned from UnityAds SDK lock my entire Unity Cloud Dashboard? This is so overkill, to the point that some of the requested info/ IDs requested by the support form aren’t even visible in my org settings.