How to apply force on Rigidbody so that is it rebounds quicker

So, I created this simple grapple hook system. I got to the point I want the player to move quicker towards a point when in mid air so its not so lose feeling. I am trying to say is that, say if I firer at the top right corner of an area, the player moves to that position, but I stop half way and fire at the top left corner; it carries the momentum when going towards the top right corner. I want it pull towards the top left corner quicker so there is less of an arch from the momentum of heading towards the top right corner.

Here is my Movement script for heading towards the point that is clicked on.

private void Movement()
    Vector3 moveDir = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, hit.point, pullStrength * Time.deltaTime);
    if (lineRen.GetPosition(1) == hit.point)
        RB.AddRelativeForce((moveDir - transform.position) * pullStrength);

Factor in the opposite of the player’s current velocity. This will basically cancel out the player’s current velocity and add the new velocity making it extremely quick.

If you want also when you get that opposite velocity to multiply it by a constant 0.0-1.0 this way you can tell how much of the current velocity to cancel out.