I’m trying to a quicktime movie texture to a plane in unity, and can’t get it to work. The movie (.mov) appears as a blank icon in the project panel, and doesn’t appear in the materials dropdown or the textures dropdown once a basic material is applied to the plane. When i try to drag the movie onto the plane in the hierarchy or scene views, it shows the circle with a slash through it. Can anyone help? I’ve looked at the movie texture page on the unity site and all that says is that movie textures are applied the same as other textures. I tried applying it as other textures, but no luck. I have no problems applying a jpg or regular image to the plane because regular images appear in the texture dropdown. I even tried following the video tutorial at http://www.vimeo.com/channels/ncsuunity#5000216, but what the author shows to do I am unable to do. I think it’s because the icon for the movie is not blank in their project panel like it is in mine. I know my video is a quicktime movie as it plays in quicktime with no problems. I’ve even tried an .avi video and while that shows a video icon in the project panel, that format doesn’t work for me either. I’ve attached the movie file I’m trying to apply. Note: (it’s a silly rendering from Blender that I’m just using as a test of this feature.)
I forgot. Unity Indy does not offer video playback capabilities. Don’t know why, but I didn’t get a reminder from the console until now.
Maybe not the most effective solution, but I made a trigger to open a web site where the video is hosted. This shoudl work for demo purposes. For production, you should probably spring for the Pro license.
What’s housing solved?
Theres no way to import a video in unity Indie?
I was playing on puting this on a tv
No there is no way to import or play movies into the free unity (there is no unity indie)
bummer. Stinky stinky.
Mabey i can activate the unity pro 30day trial
I got a unity Pro trial, and I couldn’t get the video posted here to play inside unity. No error from importer, but the movie’s inspector is empty
I spent a lot of time trying to get a movie to work as a texture. Finally, here’s the solution we came up with:
MovieTexture movTex = (MovieTexture)renderer.material.mainTexture;
movTex.loop = true;
The script reference doesn’t say this is necessary. If there’s a way to not have to typecast, it would nice to know.
the docs of unity 2.x are unityscript focused which is dynamically typed.
In C# you must cast it or it won’t be a movie texture
Hello~ I had exactly the same problem today and here is the solution:
“I too had the same problem yesterday and after looking for a few other solutions I’ve found that using Miro Converter is a good solution. It’s a really simple program designed only to convert to theora. Go here http://www.mirovideoconverter.com/ download and drag your file to the program and press convert. Then drag your converter video to unity.”
You may want to see the original solution and its problem, here is the link: Cannot import movie anymore - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
I have tried the software, it’s very neat! Good Luck!
will all this solutions will work when i use unity 4 30-day trial?