How to ask for a password recovery?

I noticed that there was no function to request a new password with the username/password login.

Users that forget passwords can’t retrieve their account?

Did I miss something?

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You have to implement it yourself.

How? Because the accounts are from unity, do I even have access to account using their API?

I thought username/password was white label so its for you to implement yourself.

if you want that use email/password to sign in with unity

It’s the username/password login method, there is no email/password, neither a recovery function to reset the password

Look at the second gif in this thread. It will show signing into a UPA account and it has the “forgot password” functionality. You should use that for recovery options:

Ohh, I think I understand, I was talking about the username/password login type, not the unity account type.
With UnityAccounts yes you have a forgot password, but not with username/password, you can change the password but the user have to be logged.

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Yeah. I see what your saying. I guess you can just have a support button and have the user email you? I don’t think there is a built in way.

Yea it’s the only way I think, but even with what, on the user end I don’t think there is a way to reset the password on the dashboard

I really want to know how to reset a password too!

It is not supported as of yet.

Is there any plan for this, because providing UGS with username/password authentication and no password recovery is half of the solution.

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I am also interested.

Hi folks,

To clarify, Unity Player Account Login (via supports Email & Password, with a password reset via email option for players who have signed in via Email sign-in option; the other methods supported for the web based Unity Player Account Login sign in flow being Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google.

The separate Username & Password sign-in option (which does not use the web based Unity Player Account Login flow) is not explicitly intended to be used with an email address (although some developers do use it that way in their games).

Given how people are using the Username & Password option in practice, we have discussed explicitly supporting Email & Password being used with the Username & Password method but that’s not how the option was designed to be used.

Developers using Username & Password are expected to implement their own Password Reset flows when using Username & Password in a game - for example you can do this using another device the user is signed in from, by using a Cloud Code module or by using the Change Password endpoint on the Player Authentication Admin REST API from a website.

In all cases you would have to have some method of verifying the identity of the user making the change password request, and how best to do that for a specific game is left up to developers to determine.

It’s not currently possible to reset player passwords via the Player Management section of the Unity Cloud Dashboard which does feel like a gap in functionality that ought to be there; this hasn’t addressed yet as it hasn’t made a whole lot of sense to address in isolation (i.e. without any other way of looking up or verifying a player account) but I anticipate us improving on the functionality exposed via the Dashboard.